
Who am I and What is this?

      Welcome internet traveller.  Perhaps you've stumbled here by accident.  Perhaps you found a link to one of the entries listed here.  Either way, I suppose some introduction is in order.  The purveyor of these ramblings is nothing more than a random guy; millennial, married, father of 2, employed full time with a decent paying job.  And like most random people, I have thoughts.  Some of these thoughts are trivial; thoughts like, did I run the dishwasher last night, I can't wait to go to bed in 16 hours, or did I pee when I sneezed just now.  Other thoughts are stupid and should in no way make their presence known in any sort of public facing forum.  However, sometimes I have a (subjectively) profound line of thought and inquiry that I have (again subjectively) deemed worthy to persist so I can inspect it, hash it out, and perhaps even share it.  These thoughts hit me at random times, and most of them are currently scattered across various text editors on different devices
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